
Documentation  ❯  Setting up Projects


A project in SignPath bundles all settings that are required to sign one or a bundle of artifacts that belong together (e.g. a product).

Projects consist of these configuration sections:

Project settings

Property Value Editions
Name Display name  
Slug Project name/identfier used for URLs, APIs etc.  
Status Valid, inactive, or invalid  
Readers Users or groups who can read all information of this project, including signing request artifacts of all signing policies Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway, Open Source Code Signing
Configurators Users or groups who can modify artifact configurations and Webhooks Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway, Open Source Code Signing
Repository URL URL of the source code repository, for information and/or origin verification  
Description Free text description of the project  

Signing policies

Signing policies define the rules and permissions for signing and the certificate that will be used. Each signing request must use a specific signing policy. The signing request will then be processed according to this policy.

Typically, a project contains these two singing policies:

  • test-signing is used for internal builds that will be used for testing. It usually uses a self-signed certificate that is installed on test systems. Since this certificate is typically unknown on customer systems, test-signing often has wide permissions and few restrictions, if any.
  • release-signing is used for release builds that are shipped to customers and used on production systems. It typically uses a certificate purchased from a public Certificate Authority (CA). Software releases are sensitive and must be done in a secure, controlled and reproducible manner. Therefore, release-signing is often configured with few permissions and additional restrictions.

Both types of policies may alternatively use certificates that are issued by an in-house CA.

Why sign test builds?

It’s important that test builds are signed, so they will behave like release builds on test systems. Several platform mechanisms may be used or inadvertently encountered that behave differently for signed and unsigned software.

Test-signing can also provide protection for test systems, if these systems are configured in a way that prevents installation or execution of unsigned software, or produces warnings for users.

General Properties

Property Value
Certificate Select the certificate that will be used to sign the artifact
Submitters Select the users that are allowed to submit an artifact (may be regular or CI users)

Approval process

Select Use approval process if you want to require manual approval for each signing request. This is recommended for release-signing.

Property Value Editions
Approvers Select the users that are allowed to approve signing requests. They will receive e-mail notifications for each request.  
Required approvals Set how many approvals are required. Note that a single deny will abort the request. (Also known as quorum or k-out-of-n approval.) Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway, Open Source Code Signing

Trusted build system verification

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway. Required for Open Source Code Signing.

Define that this signing policy can only be used from the trusted build systems defined for the project.

When trusted build system verification is enabled, interactive users cannot be declared as Submitters.

Origin verification restriction

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway. Required for Open Source Code Signing.

Select Verify origin if you want to accept only signing requests with positive origin verification.

Trusted build system verification must be enabled for origin verfication.

Property Value
Project repository URL Must be configured in the project settings (applies to all signing policies)
Allowed branch names For release-signing, it is recommended to restrict the signing policy to release branches, such as main or release/*. This helps to enforce a code review policy for release builds and prevents accidental or intentional release-signing of internal and test builds.
Create differentiated signing policies

You can create multiple signing policies with any combination of manual approval and origin verification. Use this to draw a clear line between standard and exceptional procedures.

Here is an example:

Signing policy name Approval Origin verification
test-signing none none
release-signing none branches: release/*
release-signing (all branches) 1 approval required branches: *
release-signing (manual) 2 approvals required none

In this example, release signing is controlled through the Git repository. Since this is also where reviews happen, it’s important to restrict it to branches that are normally used for release builds.

Approval is required if another branch is used for release signing, but origin verification is still available. Approvers might include project managers or senior team members.

In some situations, it might even be necessary to sign any old release, e.g. via manual upload. This requires approval from two persons, maybe even from a reduced list that includes senior management.

Malware scanning

Contact Support to activate this option. Not available for Open Source Code Signing.

Select Disable malware scanning to skip malware scanning for this policy.

Use this option to sign releases that have been falsely identified as malware. For release signing, we recommend using this only in specific scenarios. Consider creating specific policies, optionally protected with approval rules (see above).

Artifact configurations

At the core of each SignPath project is an artifact configuration. It describes the file type of your artifact and a corresponding code signing method (e.g. an EXE file signed with Authenticode).

Signing multiple files in one step

An artifact configuration may contain instructions to sign multiple files in a single step. Just put them in a single ZIP archive and specify how each file should be signed.

Signing nested artifacts (deep-signing)

It is commonly necessary to sign files and files within those files. In this case you want to specify an artifact configuration for deep-signing. SignPath will extract the files and sign them from the inside out, then re-package everything and sign the containing file.


  • A CAB file containing EXE and DLL files. Both the CAB file and the executables should be signed with Authenticode
  • An MSI installer containing an Office add-in, which in turn contains DLL files
    • the MSI file and the DLLs should be signed using Authenticode
    • the Office add-in has a ClickOnce manifest that requires manifest signing

Keeping versions of artifact configurations

Available for Code Signing Basic, Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway, Open Source Code Signing.

Create multiple artifact configurations for

  • projects that create different artifacts at different times, but you want to use the same signing policies
  • artifact configurations that change significantly over time (versioning)

Versioning ensures that your SignPath setup will still work for old versions of your artifacts, e.g. if you rebuild or re-sign an old version. Explicit versioning is only required if the structure of the artifact changes. If you just add files to a package, you might as well just make them optional (min-matches="0").

If you want to use versioned artifact configurations with CI

  • be sure to check the artifact configuration slug into your source code repository, so you can always access the correct version
  • when calling SignPath from a build script or CI configuration, specify the artifact configuration slug instead of using the default

Defining artifact configurations

You can create an artifact configuration by selecting one of the predefined templates or by uploading a sample artifact which will be analyzed by SignPath.

In the latter case, you need to manually review the resulting artifact configuration and exclude all 3rd party libraries that you don’t want to be signed with your certificate.

For details on how to create, generate or edit an artifact configuration, see artifact configuration.

Trusted build systems

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway. Required for Open Source Code Signing.

Define which trusted build systems may be used for this project. From your project configuration, you can link any trusted build system that your SignPath administrator has defined.

Using a trusted build systems is required for signing policies that have the trusted build system verification option enabled.

Trusted build systems are used to make sure that only builds from reliable sources can be signed using certain policies and certificates. They are also the foundation of origin verification.


Configure Webhooks to notify other systems in your build chain about completed signing requests. See Webhook notifications.

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