
Artifact Configuration  ❯  Syntax and Structure

Artifcat configuration syntax

Artifact configurations are XML files with the schema". You can download the schema file when you edit an artifact configuration in SignPath.

They contain exactly one file element representing the artifact.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<artifact-configuration xmlns="">

Basic artifact structure

Note: The following example fragments show only the root file element. XML prologue and <artifact configuration> element are omitted for clarity.

Several element types are available of various supported file types.

Depending on their type, file elements can contain signing directives.


Container elements (e.g. archives, directories, packages and installers) can contain nested files, identified by a required path attribute.

Use <zip-file> as root element to sign multiple artifacts in one signing request.

  <pe-file path="myapp.exe"> 
  <pe-file path="myapp.dll">

To sign several files, you may use wildcards

  <pe-file path="myapp.*" max-occurences="unbounded"> 

… or file sets with <for-each> directives:

    <include path="myapp.exe"/> 
    <include path="myapp.dll"/>     

Some formats support nested signing. The following example signs both the file myapp.exe within the MSI file, and the MSI file itself:

  <pe-file path="myapp.exe">

For nested signing, consider verifying signatures of files that are already supposed to be signed:

  <pe-file path="thirdparty.dll">
  <pe-file path="myapp.exe">

For root elements, the path attribute is optional and cannot contain directories. You may use wildcards to specify the name …

<pe-file path="myapp-v*.exe">

… or be specific and provide user defined parameters:

<pe-file path="myapp-v${version}.exe">

Main structural elements

<directory> element

All supported container formats have an internal directory structure. You can see this structure if you extract a container to a local disk.

You can either specify these directories in the path attribute of each file element or nest these file elements within <directory> elements.

The following fragment is equivalent to
  <pe-file path="bin/program.exe">
  <directory path="bin">
    <pe-file path="program.exe">

<zip-file> element

Use the <zip-file> element to specify a ZIP archive. SignPath will process archives inside this file.

You can also use the <jar-sign> directive to sign entire ZIP archives for verification with jarsigner.

Upload multiple files

This feature allows users to select multiple files in the browser.

  • Use <zip-file> as root element
  • Set the ui-multifile-upload attribute to on


  • The user can select one or more files in the artifact browse dialog
  • A ZIP archive named will automatically be created and uploaded (even if only a single file is selected)
  • The signed artifacts will still be provided as a ZIP archive dowload (also called


<artifact-configuration xmlns="">
  <zip-file ui-multifile-upload="on">
    <office-oxml-file path="*.xlsm" max-matches="unbounded">

Platform considerations

File and directory names in path attributes are case-insensitive. You may use slash / or backslash \ as directory separators.

Using wildcards

Every path attribute can contain the following wildcard patterns:

Wildcard Description Example Matches
* Matches any number of any character (including none, excluding the directory separator). m*y my, mary, my first pony
? Matches any single character. th?s this, th$s, but not ths
[abc] Matches one character given in the bracket. [fb]oo foo and boo
[a-z] Matches one character from the range given in the bracket. [0-9] all digits
[!abc] Matches one character that is not given in the bracket. [!f]oo boo and $oo, but not foo
[!a-z] Matches one character that is not from the range given in the bracket. [!0-9] every character that is not a digit
** Matches any number of path/directory segments. When used, they must be the only contents of the dedicated segment. **/*.dll *.dll files in all subdirectories (recursive)

Number of matches

If wildcards are used, optional max-matches and min-matches parameters can be specified to set the number of files that may match the wildcard expression.

  • Both default to 1, so wildcard expressions without max-matches or min-matches must match exactly one file
  • Use min-matches="0" for optional elements (even without wildcards)
  • Use max-matches="unbounded" for unlimited matches

File and directory sets

If multiple files or directories should be handled in the same way, you can enumerate them using one of the following file or directory set elements: <directory-set>, <pe-file-set>, <powershell-file-set>, <windows-script-file-set>, <msi-file-set>, <cab-file-set>, <catalog-file-set>, <appx-file-set>, <msix-file-set>, <opc-file-set>, <nupkg-file-set>, <jar-file-set>, <zip-file-set>, <office-oxml-file-set>, <office-binary-file-set>, <xml-file-set>, <file-set>

Each set element contains:

  • an <include> element for each file (or pattern) to be processed
  • a <for-each> element that will be applied to all included elements of the set

A set’s <for-each> element can include the same child elements as the corresponding simple file or directory element:

  • <pe-file> supports <authenticode-signing/>
  • therefore <pe-file-set> supports <authenticode-signing/> within the <for-each> element

Sets are especially useful if your artifacts contain repeating nested structures.

File set example

The following fragment is equivalent to
<pe-file path="first.dll">

<pe-file path="second.dll">
  <include path="first.dll" />
  <include path="second.dll" />

User-defined parameters

Available for Advanced Code Signing, Code Signing Gateway, Open Source Code Signing.

You can define parameters for each signing request. Use this to create a more restrictive artifact configuration, track values, or include build-time values.

Parameter values can be set when submitting a signing request via the user interface or API (see documentation). Actual values are displayed on the signing request details page.

Parameters are defined in an optional parameters block at the beginning of the artifact configuration and can be referenced using the ${parameterName} syntax in any XML attribute.

<artifact-configuration xmlns="">
    <parameter name="version" default-value="1.0.0" required="true" />
  <pe-file path="my-installer-${version}.exe" product-name="myproduct" product-version="${version}">

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